What are you grateful for?
Public Thnx4 Journal
- September 26, 2021
I went out to HiFi last night despite my sleep anxiety urging me to stay home so I don't ruin Sunday.
I actually had a lot of fun and danced a ton. I also met really nice people and got to sit at the Dj booth table! I am trying to break out of my rut/anxiety about my routine and getting enough sleep. Normal 20 year olds don't excessively worry about doing the same thing every single day.
- September 26, 2021
Thanks to Shawna for teaching me how to practice and teach yoga and meditation at her yoga with Shawna yoga studio.
It really changed my life and has lifted me up out of the funk of the shut downs and deadly pandemic. AUM…..
It really changed my life and has lifted me up out of the funk of the shut downs and deadly pandemic. AUM…..
I can finally sleep 😴 a full 8 hours, I am physically and mentally stronger. I feel calmer more centered and focused on learning this new career. HEY, Look Ma! I’m a yogi :)
- September 26, 2021
Talked to an old friend at length
Made me feel connected and seen
- September 25, 2021
Community member thanked me for taking the time to clean-up the garbage that is routinely dumped in various spots in the community. Was appreciative of this recognition even if I am not actively seeking it.
Felt appreciated and respected, as the person providing the thanks was warm, honest and sincere. Glad I can support the community in a very small (mostly unseen) way :-)
- September 25, 2021
Got thanked for doing the dishes without being asked when mom was excited
- September 24, 2021
@Inez Happy to see your "kayak" mention! We will be receiving our first ever Orukayaks tomorrow. Pricey, but will allow us to pack them on our bikes for Tracey to the many waterways near us. So excited!!
- September 24, 2021
Pleased and grateful to have learned that there likely will be insurance coverage for the water leak in our home.
It feels good to know we won't be entirely on the hook for the repairs.
- September 24, 2021
Combien j'ai de la chance d'avoir une si belle vue de ma cuisine ... Dans le jardin de mon voisin, de gigantesques tournesols s'élancent en hauteur et plongent au beau milieu du ciel. Chaque jour je me dis que c'est magnifique. Même mon voisin et étonné de leur grandeur et me dit qu'il n'a rien fait de spécial pour eux. Un vrai cadeau du ciel. Merci Seigneur pour ces magnifiques fleurs.
C'est chaque fois un émerveillement de les regarder et de les admirer.
- September 24, 2021
Alors que je revenais du travail, une éducatrice et une jeune de mon institution m'ont fait de grands signes de loin dans la rue pour me dire bonjour.
Cela m'a bien fait plaisir de voir ces deux jeunes personnes faire de leur mieux pour me dire bonjour alors qu'elles auraient très bien pu passer sans rien faire car elles étaient loin de moi. Je me suis senti reconnu et apprécié et cela fait du bien.
- September 24, 2021
- September 24, 2021
Had dinner with the whole family last night for Brandon's birthday. It was nice to get out of the house and be social.
Not a specific person but I slept better since I actually left the house (aside from gym).
- September 24, 2021
Grateful that Marc and Bonnie make me feel so loved and part of their new family with Riley Grace and that that call me Aunt Rita and put a photo of Grace and I in her bedroom. 🥰
I feel appreciated, loved and have a deep sense of friendship and nostalgia from when Marc and I grew up in JC.
- September 24, 2021
they said happy birthday
they reminded me that people care about each other even if you don’t know them well
- September 24, 2021
getting to chat with with my mom yesterday morning
good to reconnect and plan the next few months.
- September 24, 2021
Just existing, granddaughter, saying come on to go outside
Fills my heart with joy:)
- September 24, 2021
Painted my room and helped move heavy furniture and hang curtains and pictures.
I have a beautiful and safe private room to read, meditate ,practice yoga and guitar or sleep.
- September 24, 2021
I'm grateful that I was able to have a slow day at home to be restful and feel at peace.
I was able to go back to bed and have a nap after breakfast. When I got up again, I was able to spend some time on the computer and find some roof racks and a hullavator secondhand. This means that I can contemplate getting a kayak without worrying too much about my budget.
- September 23, 2021
A classmate took the time to help me understand the material for class. I was struggling and she offered to help. I am grateful because she really helped me and I understood the material.
- September 23, 2021
Mugsy cuddled with me.
I feel happier since I am a huge cat person!
- September 23, 2021
Enjoyed comfortable and relaxing walk with a good friend - chatting on the bench in the sunshine enjoying coffee and good company.
Very Grateful for my old/ best friend as appreciate all the memories we have together and his perspectives on all matters large and small.
- September 23, 2021
My wife knew i have busy both with work and school and took the initiate to help me out with little jobs that is usually my task like bills and finances. It was nice without asking she took care of to do list that she knew i had to get done.
We are a team and actions speak louder than words. Even though she is my partner (wife) she thought about someone else besides her shows alot about their character.
- September 23, 2021
Made delicious fried green tomatoes for our dinner's side last night.
It helped dinner prep speed along, plus he cleaned up!
- September 23, 2021
Ce matin, alors que je montais à pied sur le chemin pour aller au travail et qu'il faisait bien froid, tout à coup le soleil a percé les branches des arbres au-dessus de moi, cela m'a ébloui. J'ai continué à marcher mais à l'aveugle en baissant les yeux, tout en confiance, droit devant moi. Et c'est comme si quelqu'un m'avait mis la main sur ma tête et que je pouvais sentir la chaleur de sa paume sur mon crâne, une chaleur bienfaisante, réconfortante, comme lorsque j'étais enfant et que mon père m'accompagnait d'un geste affectueux.
Merci Seigneur pour cette belle expérience qui m'a vraiment ébloui et fait beaucoup de bien, qui m'a donné de la force, de la douceur et de la chaleur pour les autres toute la journée.
- September 23, 2021
La responsable des festivités m'a dit qu'elle me mettrait deux repas à emporter quand je lui ai dit que je ne viendrai pas manger mais que je paierai 2 repas pour la fête de l'institution où je travaille et que je viendrai également marcher.
Cela m'a fait plaisir que cette personne pense à quand même mettre deux repas pour moi alors que je ne pourrai pas manger à ce moment. Je pourrai ainsi manger plus tard avec mon épouse.
- September 23, 2021
Loved, accepted, being me, eating, talking learning