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Public Thnx4 Journal

What are you grateful for?

-   March 25, 2025
He is alive, back to work after being out a year fighting cancer
Makes me feel good to see him survive it/
-   January 1, 2025
gave me time when I was ill tempered
-   December 31, 2024
Lilidid come today (late, 9:48), but here!
House gets basic cleaning.
-   December 22, 2024
I had an extra ticket to the Nutcracker at Cuesta yesterday. I gave it away to confused group in line, then they gave it to someone at the box office hoping to buy last minute ticket. Person was "sharon" and as she sat in the seat next to me she thanked me.
Glad the ticket got used. Also glad she was not very chatty
Heike F.
-   December 6, 2024
I have been diagnosed with ADHD this year (being 58 years old)…
After a liflong struggle with so many things and in 2015 ending in a clinic with a major depression I faught myself back into a still very overwhelming life, knowing that there was still something wrong. When I was diagnosed with ADHD and after all the hustle and regret and lost lifetime I am now on medication and slowly claiming my life back. Being very sensitive to noise, smell, bad people and news (especially cruelty against animals) I have the feeling that with the medication It does not kill all the happiness there still is in my life. I‘m enjoying stuff like positive affirmations, stopping the negative thought circle in my mind. Being grateful and reflecting on the good things in my life. Try to enjoy good things more mindful instead of rushing through and carrying on without even noticing. Being timeblind and struggling with organizing I try to get myself tools to help me, like pomodo, a digital clock (with an analog display) in almost every room and alltogether breaking overwhelming tasks down into smaller portions that can be done. Well many many more and many many more to still find outd. „fake it till you make (or become) it, is also helping me a lot. My newest invention phrase is: „Become the cheerleader in your own life“, since one of my downfalls is that everyone and everything is more important than me (for me) and I have to work and change that
One day I fly away…
Heike F.
-   December 5, 2024
This saying Thanks happened
I cannot exactly put this in words, but I feel a mindshift towards a better overall wellbeing. It‘s as if this greatfulness slowly sinks in and changes my way of looking at things. Also I‘m more open to look for further tips and tricks to easy my being burned out over (mostly) things I cannot influence. Allone this knowledge takes kilos off my back. Since I do this thanks giving in the morning my day already starts with something good, and this makes me feel less stressed as I proceed. Even though my sircumstances are almost the same, they don’t drag me down as much as they used to. Alone this thinking about it and writing it down (getting it out of my mind and looking at it from a distance) makes this worthwile. Hope this makes sense.
It’s experiences, not things that make us happier
Heike F.
-   December 4, 2024
he produced a 5 minute selfcare video for youtube
Yes I did say thank you. I was doing some research for medicinal remedies and was noticing that (while I spent far to much time on doing this, because it was for someone else and not for me), that I was very tense the whole time. Mdy whole body was in stress, because I was so hoping to get something great out of this. Even when I‘m writing this I feel the tension. Since I have such a hard time giving myself a short break (and burning and stressing myself out with this) I was so glad that I found this video and that it really gave my some relief. I think it helped me because it is just 5 minutes. long. And even if it might not work for everyone, I post a pic. for others to try out
this is the video
-   December 3, 2024
Lili is having various dental problems (she and her 6 year old son) that are uncomfortable, expensive, and as yet unresolved.
I said, let's forget the $400 you owe me; it can be your Xmas gift.
She was very thankful.
Glad I could do something helpful. "Do the good that is right in front of you."
Heike F.
-   December 2, 2024
I took part in a group christmas calendar (the one where you make 24 gifts, which all if the Participants do, and then you get a package with 24 different packages back, one for every day until Christmas). It stressed me out so much, because i loved my idea but didn’t really think trough how much effort it would take me in the end to send it out.
When I heard yesterday that the people liked my present for that day I was very greatful, I somehow feared that it would go unnoticed or maybe even not liked. So I was very glad that they did like it, and in the end that all the stress and hustles were good for something
Heike F.
-   November 30, 2024
I‘m feeling greatful for this thnx challenge!
It already changed my perspective in many things and i’m glad I signed up. I have the feeling, that this really workes for me. Tryed many times to start a journal both on paper and digitally, to at least write down 3 little things Im grateful for, it never worked. Maybe this challenge was making a difference. I do it in the mornings while im still in a quiet house and in bed (instead of doing it in the evening- which obviously didn’t work for me). I even tried the bean method, which I loved, it’s more of a fairytale about an old woman who has 5 beans in her right pocket, every time something nice happens to her during the day, she grabs a bean out of her right pocket and puts it in her left pocket. In the evening she looks at the beans in her left pocket and remebers the good things that happened to her during the day. I really loved the story and the idea, but being an ADHD chaotic girl in the end the beans were everywhere, but never in my pocket (maybe I try it again sometimes). Maybe it works for someone else here 🫶
this is the story, found it in the internet
-   November 28, 2024
For all the good things I have in my life. Even tho these are trying times, need to focus on the positive and the abundance.
Breathing this is, it is helping to calm me.
-   November 28, 2024
By chance, I was able to cobble together the request by CC to do a Native American blessing in the library, but the NAH book display.
Somehow, BB came thru and it worked out!
Pleased and relieved.
Heike F.
-   November 25, 2024
I woke up this morning in a warm cosy bed and felt very greatful for it. Looking at the world news this no longer granted for anyone. With fires Storms and floods, and all the rest there is I‘m very fortunate to have bed and a room and a flat to put it in.
I have a verry stressful time at the moment on the bed gave me the warmth and comfort and safe haven I needed. I think I will appreciate it more from now on, maybe even make it look a bit nicer…
-   November 18, 2024
I was grateful that they showed up to class, and offered to keep my water bottle even when I hadn't really talked to them.
I was feeling bad, as I was a little nauseous, so it was nice they didn't just brush me off.
-   November 18, 2024
I saw them at the grocery store, and it was nice seeing them.
I was happy they recognized me but also respected my privacy.
-   November 17, 2024
They watched Grey's with me, and I got to cuddle with them. I knew we just wanted to bask in each other's love, and enjoy the moment and that's what we did.
They made me feel relaxed when I have a lot to be stressed about.
-   October 26, 2024
After much fretting and unreturned phone calls, I now have a surgery date: Jan 21, 2025.
At least there is a date; we can plan both at home and at work. Less than 3 months to go, then the whole recovery phase. Ugh.
-   October 26, 2024
Went to bed at 8:45 pm on Friday, after a busy week
Quiet, rest, no pressure to go anywhere on Sat. Got up 7 am.
-   October 20, 2024
Margie came to Montreal and it makes me feel so safe and supported
I feel so safe and great about being where i am in my life in the times of uncertainty
Profile picture for user Zivio
-   October 14, 2024
In general, feeling fairly peaceful in mind and spirit today in spite of dealing with physical malaise, better and worse at times. Guessing a “qualified” gratitude is better than none at all. First rule of thnx4 is there are no rules for thnx4.
67 year old laughing man with white hair and beard and wings flying with crows
Profile picture for user Zivio
-   October 1, 2024
Wife returned safely home after several days absent. We are not often separated.

Also posting this small positive in case it might uplift others who post here, as their posts uplift me.
-   September 5, 2024
Het is nu half 9 in de ochtend, en voor mn gevoel heb ik er al een hele dag op zitten. Ben al 5 uur wakker man, oemph. Kwam niet meer in slaap na half 4. Meerdere posities, dekentjes, ventilator aan uit, Kelly vid, Slight comfort, niks hielp. Linkin Park nieuwe single + zangeres reveal toen ik YT voor het eerst opende om 4 uur hielp ook niet, lol. De single is wennen, ik dacht steeds dat het een feature was, maar ze is goed, gaat een goed album worden.
En toen het ellenlange wachten op de Blink songs om 6 uur, maar man wat was het het waard. De eerste spin van de meeste was wel even wennen, maar Everyone Everywhere was een instant banger.
Daarna Reddit kijken, zoveel coole stuff over de songs te vinden! En had toch niks beters meer te toen en wilde mn bed uit. Dus alles bij elkaar zoeken en in Genius gooien om half 8 in de ochtend tot like kwart over 8, fantastisch man, en zoveel fun. Over elke song was wel meerdere dingen te vinden, en nu al waardeer ik ze zoveel meer, class songs. Hopelijk komt de CD er ook van, je weet wel dat ik deze ga willen halen!
Idk, I'm beat, en dan heb ik nog een vergadering om 10, sporten daarna want geen excuses dit vroege opstaan, en summonen voor Felicia en Flora, en na sporten zal ik vast wel bekaf zijn, maar man, already een topdag dit! Ook met JD lullen over de blink release, en JJ poken over Linkin Park, ik ben ook niet alleen :D
Just wanted to encapsule my excitement and gratitude for this moment while it's fresh. Happy day :) Thank youuuu
Profile picture for user Julia Schmidt
-   August 16, 2024
She accompanied me to a concert, so that I didn’t attend it alone.
I felt I was an important person.
-   August 13, 2024
I felt grateful to wake up to a beautiful day in a place in the world where I do not have to worry about dangers of war or conflict
Felt grateful in general and it gave a good start to my day
-   July 9, 2024
I coordinated and figured out moves to make space and helped clean kennels