What are you grateful for?
Public Thnx4 Journal
- September 20, 2021
Helped make dinner, cleaned up dinner, went on a walk with me
Felt loved and valued.
- September 20, 2021
Gave me a hug
- September 20, 2021
Today I am grateful for the clear skies and the way the morning sunlight streamed into my office.
I feel energized and focused in a way that I haven't in recent weeks.
- September 20, 2021
had a really nice day Sunday, and he made me enchiladas
now I have dinner for the week.
- September 19, 2021
I joined a sorority where I feel I belong!
I have always struggled to fit in or find a place where I feel truly welcomed. However now I have found that place. All the women in the sorority are so kind and gives me that safe space I have always wanted!
- September 19, 2021
I helped him achieve his project to live abroad and change his life and his family's.
I felt touched and honoured and grateful for achieving this and being able to help him.
- September 18, 2021
Just the presence of running into my son and his wife at the grocery store then my other son calling to go for a walk with the new puppy
- September 18, 2021
I have paid off my Luna County/Deming land. I am grateful to the seller!! I am SOOO happy!!
It gave me property in New Mexico!!
- September 18, 2021
Being helpful and sincere, not overly critical
Encouraged, want to do more
- September 17, 2021
Grateful for many small but lovely experiences
- Rain when walking to pick up Simon
- Feeling the strong wind and the sun on my face
- Meeting up with my good friend
- Being kind with my father (calling regularly)
- Rain when walking to pick up Simon
- Feeling the strong wind and the sun on my face
- Meeting up with my good friend
- Being kind with my father (calling regularly)
All these experiences enriched my present day and help me stay in the proverbial moment being grateful for the time that is versus the time that was or will be.
- September 17, 2021
We had staff pick up extra so our shift was covered.
When my team has enough help my whole day is better
- September 16, 2021
Cooking class, pasta with old friends and new friends
Fun learning together, laughing, enjoying life
Fun learning together, laughing, enjoying life
Fills me with joy
- September 16, 2021
My son make me some delicious blondies for dessert last night
Was yummy and made me smile.
- September 16, 2021
I am grateful for the ability to go to school.
I received a full-ride scholarship and without that, I probably wouldn't have been able to attend college. Also, I see how hard it is for people who cannot attend a school or have to pay, like my fiance.
- September 16, 2021
This person took the time to listen and encourage me to keep going but take time for myself. She let me know that I will accomplish my goals and that changes in the path are okay and necessary sometimes. She wants me to check in with her again.
It is a reminder to keep going and even though things are tough right now, they won't always be. Our paths to where we want to be are often achieved in ways that we don't plan.
- September 16, 2021
Finished doing some work for a project really well
His effort gave me confidence that the project is going to be successful and I do not need to worry.
- September 16, 2021
My husband had to go to an early morning meeting in the city. Knowing how much I like sweets, he took the time to call me before leaving to ask me if I'd like him to bring home some donuts. Gotta love that!
I had a delightful start to my morning.
- September 16, 2021
New job role open up at my work and i was recommended to apply by a higher up.
Gives me a chance to further my career.
- September 16, 2021
I woke up , God has Blessed me not only with a new day , he has Blessed me with air to breathe, feet & legs to walk , hands & arms to use a brain , a heart , God you are so good to me , thank you .
In Jesus' Name Amen
In Jesus' Name Amen
Freedom & ability to choose what is Best.
Sorry Martha , Mary has chosen what is better.
Sorry Martha , Mary has chosen what is better.
- September 15, 2021
He just wanted to sit and tell me about his day at school I felt so grateful I was there to listen to him! 🙏
It made me happy and feel loved
- September 15, 2021
I make them breakfast and pack their lunch every morning at 6 am!
I felt appreciated. I do this out of hte kindness of my heart, I want them to know my love for them and they did.
- September 15, 2021
I ware everyone i go a plastic bracelet that says WWJD. What would Jesus do. While i was food shopping the cashier noticed my bracelet and knew what the meaning of it. She told me thank you because she was in a fight with her sister however did not go into details of why and seeing my bracelet it reminder her that her that life is precious and sometimes its better to forgive.
I ware the bracelet as a reminder to myself, never would have I thought it can also me a message to someone other than me when I ware it. You don't have to be religious but you can always be a better version of yourself.
- September 15, 2021
My car was recently totaled not due to my fault/other driver ran a light. Insurance is not going to be enough to buy a new vehicle due to prices have gone up. My Father knowing this decided to sell me his old car at a discount so i can have a ride to work.
Sure i could of taken out a loan to buy a new car but with car prices so high i didn't want to get locked into a high payment. I have good credit and money for a down payment but now i can have a new/used car with no car payment. Sure the car is older but now i can use that money to save up for a better one. This was a big relief for myself and my family.
- September 15, 2021
I stayed after work to help someone finish their work even though i was not being paid for it.
I too once was new and wished people had done the same for me and it was nice to give back even in a small way.
- September 15, 2021
Eating lunch outdoors with warm sun above.
Was calming and restorative