What are you grateful for?
Public Thnx4 Journal
- September 23, 2021
two classmates who I work well with, and collaborating on an assignment together and learning from one another.
helped me learn but working with others, made me smile that I was building connections with people despite the year of remote school.
- September 22, 2021
I am grateful for my cat Billy. He is the cutest dang kitty who loves me unconditionally. Every day he makes me smile and laugh. I love cuddling with him. He is my first cat and he compliments our little family.
- September 22, 2021
They laughed at my jokes
- September 22, 2021
I did a bully juice workout from Youtube and it helped energize me. I didn't sleep well last night.
I feel alert and awake.
- September 22, 2021
J'ai dit merci à une collègue qui a pris la peine de m'avertir de certains entretiens qui ne pourraient avoir lieu pour une jeune qui serait absente certains jours.
Cela m'a permis de ne pas perdre mon temps et à organiser celui-ci de manière productive.
- September 22, 2021
J'ai souhaité une bonne soirée à une collègue en reconduisant un enfant.
Cela m'a fait plaisir et elle m'a souhaité de même. C'est une petite chose maisc'est toujours important et lorsque je souhaite une bonne soirée ou une bonne journée, je le fais sincèrement.
- September 22, 2021
J'étais en entretien et par deux fois la sonnette de la porte d'entrée retentit. La secrétaire était occupée ailleurs et j'ai interrompu l'entretien pour aller ouvrir vu l'insistance. C'était le fils de la directrice pédagogique. Il m'adit merci de lui avoir ouvert.
Par le fait que le jeune me remercie, je me suis senti reconnu dans l'aide que je lui ai apportée.
- September 22, 2021
Instrumental in passing legislation for APRNs in NV and I am a recipient of being able to have such an autonomous practice
Set a path I could enjoy
- September 22, 2021
chatting with some friends last night about a new purchase
Just made me laugh and relax after a long day
- September 22, 2021
I contacted an esteemed organization about how to reach more people and they asked to speak with me about it. I am excited to be heard and possible to have a chance to make a difference.
It helps me feel useful and skilled on a broader spectrum.
- September 22, 2021
this person helped me with my expense account to get paid.
Instead of me getting frustrated over a difficult system, this person did it for me.
- September 22, 2021
Kids shared what makes each of them special. I am grateful that they each feel special and reminded of how we are all special.
I am grateful that they each feel special and reminded of how we are all special.
- September 22, 2021
Mental health training delivered to vets and vet nurses - a chance to help them take better care of themselves .
Sense of meaning/purpose helping those who help others
Builds sense of connection and community
Builds sense of connection and community
- September 22, 2021
I help coordinate the parts of the group project, to help steer the team along.
That helping others can create a sense of joy and satisfaction, even though it means little sacrifice or extra efforts on our part. However, whatever we choose to do or help, it must be something worth doing. It is good to remind ourselves not to do helpful things, just to get people's appreciation, as sometimes people forget or take our acts of kindness for granted. Hence, whatever we do, the acts of kindness should be in itself the reward, not the appreciation of people who might have benefited from it.
For when we do things to keep people warm, very often, we are also kept warm in the process too.
For when we do things to keep people warm, very often, we are also kept warm in the process too.
- September 21, 2021
I got a job at the Four Seasons despite telling myself I wouldn't get it.
It has boosted my self esteem and will help me start my career.
- September 21, 2021
I tasted a delicious, warm mooncake in observance of the Autumn Moon Festival.
It was a moment of pleasure and connection with a tradition that I did not grow up with, but now admire and appreciate.
- September 21, 2021
Cette personne m'a préparé à manger alors que je n'avais pas encore soupé et que j'étais venu la visiter à sa demande.
Cela m'a fait bien plaisir car j'avais faim étant donné que je n'avais pas encore fait de repas complet de la journée.
- September 21, 2021
J'ai aidé l'équipe par rapport à un problème informatique pour laquelle l'équipe ne trouvait pas de solution.
Cela m'a fait très plaisir quand la personne m'a remercié. Cette personne l'a fait par mail ce qui me permettra de relire son message et cela me fera du bien de le relire à nouveau.
- September 21, 2021
She complemented a home improvement project that involved a lot of effort.
It validated our decision to invest energy and resources into making the fix.
- September 21, 2021
I presented on nurse health, safety, and well-being virtually to a large group.
Amazed and grateful myself.
- September 21, 2021
I made time to help him settle down in a new study/work environment.
It was nice that my effort was appreciated. It was also nice that the person I was helping was not demanding, or expect me to do this or that, but was also grateful for what I did for him.
- September 21, 2021
My morning run this morning felt particularly poignant as I listened to a podcast conversation between two people who are dealing with cancer in their lives. Hearing their reflections reminded me to look for instances of wonder in my daily routine, even when I feel overwhelmed by the world's tradgedies.
I felt lifted and inspired by the words and reflections I was hearing.
- September 21, 2021
Making homemade pasta...and it worked...and it was good!
Creative side, doing, no pressure to perform, discuss, just play along
- September 21, 2021
I found an app to help me listen to reading assignments
This will allow me to multitask when completing school work, and will help me balance my time a bit more. I'm also a slow reader, so I found this help me focus and get through readings faster.
- September 20, 2021
I am grateful for my mother. She has taught me so much and I'm grateful that I am growing up and becoming her. She has passed a year ago and I miss her dearly. But I am grateful for the time I did get to spend with her.