What are you grateful for?
Public Thnx4 Journal
- December 1, 2022
A job was created for me and the package was what I asked for and more.
I received more than what I expected.
- December 1, 2022
She checked up on me, even though it was very late in the evening.
It made me feel cared for and made me feel happy and grateful for her.

- December 1, 2022
My counselor listened to me talk about stuff and we had a good conversation
It was nice because she didn't judge me and made me feel like the way I felt was understandable
- December 1, 2022
My friends cared to know how I was doing when I was sick and checked in with me the next day too.
It reminded me that people think of me and put in effort to let me know it and I should do the same.

- December 1, 2022
they are my students I am so grateful because even though they are so busy with their works they been so active in sharing their thoughts and finishing their task and they are grateful to me as wel
It benefit me a lot that I can see how I lead people. my leadership

- November 30, 2022
I finished (just now) my morning meditation and prayer. I feel full of gratitude and love. I am grateful for so much- the babies my hands and arms have held, the other hands that have held mine, for the textures, rough and smooth I have experienced. I am grateful for the many places my feet have taken me, for the adventures, hikes, rough and smooth paths. They have gone back waterfalls, through rocky places and deserts, through cities and forests. I am grateful for their ability to hold me up during difficult times, good times exciting and boring times. I feel grateful for the people I have met, those I am connected to now, and those who are not in my life now. Seriously- so much. My heart is full.
I am grateful for the process of meditation and prayer.
I am grateful for the process of meditation and prayer.
My body has helped me experience life and has literally supported me. The experiences I have had, the people I have met, connections made have enriched my journey and me. Prayer and meditation have helped open this way of feeling and experiencing new depths of gratitude and awareness.
- November 29, 2022
Helped me take care of the house when it was unexpected
Helped me by taking something off of my plate

- November 29, 2022
My mom bought another apple pencil when I bought the wrong one.
I'm glad that she's patient with me enough to let me try buying one again. (and we returned the other one)
- November 29, 2022
agree to watch video series on conflict
calmed me
- November 28, 2022
soothing companion
- November 28, 2022
I was given the location of another line dance class for seniors, at Rivergrove. It was so much fun and good exercise too!
Exercise and socializing, plus structure to my day.

- November 28, 2022
My phone went to what seemed permanent black screen. SIL fixed it. (Yay!)
Being without my phone, and thinking it was totally gone, helped me see how much I depend on my phone, the wide variety of tasks, etc I use it for.
This has:
Helped me feel gratitude for having the phone
Made me aware that there are skills I need to brush up on, like acquiring and reading a map, learning emergency contact phone #s, etc.), and that I need to back certain info up elsewhere.
This has:
Helped me feel gratitude for having the phone
Made me aware that there are skills I need to brush up on, like acquiring and reading a map, learning emergency contact phone #s, etc.), and that I need to back certain info up elsewhere.

- November 28, 2022
My SIL stopped what he was doing and helped me with my phone. (It had the ‘Black Screen of Death’).
I was so anxious about my phone. I was canceling all my am appointments and thought I was going to have to spend a ton of $$$ to get a new one. SIL fixed it- lickity-split!
I was able to keep most of my appointments, didn’t spend a bunch of money, AND my anxiety reduced and then disappeared. I now have time to meditate, journal and maybe study. I feel so much gratitude. This small act (small to my SIL) has mad a huge difference to me. ♥️♥️♥️
I was able to keep most of my appointments, didn’t spend a bunch of money, AND my anxiety reduced and then disappeared. I now have time to meditate, journal and maybe study. I feel so much gratitude. This small act (small to my SIL) has mad a huge difference to me. ♥️♥️♥️
- November 28, 2022
I got sick over the weekend. Very sick: 102 temperature, chills, couldn't eat, etc. When the symptoms came on, I happened to be at Adele's house, and she took care of me for 24 hours, in her watchful, methodical Adele way. (It's not covid or the flu; we have no idea what it is.)
Michelle pitched in. At one point--I could hear them talking but I was too out of it to interact--Michelle brought over soup and bread. I couldn't really eat anything, but that was Adele's dinner. Later, after Adele went to work and I transferred over to our house, Michelle got me things I might eat, before she continued with social plans to which I insisted she keep. Even Liko pitched in with cups of tea, offered without prompting.
I'm still sick; or maybe I'm just weak from not having eaten; I'm at the stage when it's hard to say. But at six AM on Monday morning, I'm well enough to sit up, type on this computer, and express gratitude to these people for taking care of me.
Michelle pitched in. At one point--I could hear them talking but I was too out of it to interact--Michelle brought over soup and bread. I couldn't really eat anything, but that was Adele's dinner. Later, after Adele went to work and I transferred over to our house, Michelle got me things I might eat, before she continued with social plans to which I insisted she keep. Even Liko pitched in with cups of tea, offered without prompting.
I'm still sick; or maybe I'm just weak from not having eaten; I'm at the stage when it's hard to say. But at six AM on Monday morning, I'm well enough to sit up, type on this computer, and express gratitude to these people for taking care of me.
- November 27, 2022
Nolen came to Thanksgiving dinner, brought greens from his garden and a special pie and wine. Actually went thru some of my stuff and took some. I had fun, even thought he teased me. Cares enough to send emoji when he arrived home safely
Felt like family, complete
- November 26, 2022
It may be a small thing, but I was given the opportunity to do a kindness to the driver next to my car. He wanted to get in my lane, so I waited for him to do so. This is an example of kindness that we can offer each other in a civilized society. It runs counter to the way too many drivers behave and maybe, who knows, it could affect the behavior of other drivers in seeing that I allowed the car to get into my lane.
I felt grateful to have the chance to do a kindness for another on the road.

- November 25, 2022
My niece visited with me. She loves stened to my stories and shared some of her own.
I felt loved, appreciated and valued.

- November 25, 2022
Yesterday I wrote about expecting a feast for dinner, something I was able to take for granted. I am grateful that I can take such privileges for granted, and I hope I am always aware of this. Also, the dinner was excellent, everyone got along well, and everyone was healthy. That's a lot!
I felt relaxed and happy.

- November 25, 2022
Yesterday I wrote about expecting a feast for dinner, something I was able to take for granted. I am grateful that I can take such privileges for granted, and I hope I am always aware of this. Also, the dinner was excellent, everyone got along well, and everyone was healthy. That's a lot!
I felt relaxed and happy.
- November 25, 2022
yesterday I adopted a 1 year old cat that was rescued from a cat colony. She was very nervous and hid under my office desk the entire time and today she finally let me feed her a treat and i heard purring! i feel so grateful for the chance to have a cat and for the chance to build trust with the cat. it's so encouraging when i see little positive steps into taming her
made me feel excited and happy!
- November 25, 2022
I said yesterday thanks to a business partner for helping me out quickly in a difficult situation last week and I got a big thanks in advance for doing what I did in our joint venture.
It felt quite good and I would not have expected a thanks from that person ever. So it was for an "aha" - be kind an people will also give you a feedback that wouldn't otherwise.
Luz Alba
- November 24, 2022
Por la oportunidad de cumplir un sueño y de vivir una nueva experiencia que promete mucho
Me da la posibilidad de mudarme con un trabajo estable que me permite realizar además, otros proyectos
- November 24, 2022
This is actually five--count 'em, FIVE--gratitudes nested into each other.
Many divorced parents will know and understand this experience. I finally moved out of the home I shared with Shelly in late October 2015. Doing so scuttled our Thanksgiving plans. Since we have no family in the Bay Area and my social life was in disarray, this meant that Liko and I had nowhere to go on Thanksgiving--which was pretty much a crystallization of all my fears about busting up my family, as I thought of it then. (Here's how I think of it now: Liko, Shelly, and I are always going to be family.)
Michelle naturally invited me to spend it with her family, but I felt like it was far too soon to try to shove Liko into a new group of people for a holiday like Thanksgiving, given the upheaval in his life. However, when I discussed this dilemma with my father, he said something that turned out to be crucial: "If Michelle is your future, go toward her."
I took his advice and we spent Thanksgiving with Michelle's family. And you know what? It went great. Because Michelle has a great family. I don't actually remember very many details about the actual event; for me in this highly emotional period, it was all a blur. But I remember the only thing that mattered to me at the time, which is that Michelle's parents, sisters, aunt and uncle, and cousins welcomed Liko without hesitation into the family. That's been the case ever since. And later, they welcomed my dad to Thanksgiving as well.
It's now seven years later. I'm still Liko's dad, of course, and I'm still partnered with Michelle, but I'm also partnered with Adele. Shelly is in town and staying with us, and with my blessing she took Liko to spend Thanksgiving with the same friends she spent it with seven years ago. I'm spending it with Michelle's family as usual. But, for the first time, Adele invited me to spend it with her family in the Bay Area. When Michelle found out, she urged me to spend Thanksgiving with Adele and her people, but for various reasons I decided to stick to the original plan.
That was all pretty convoluted; my family situation might be more complicated than most people's. (Or is it?).
OK, ready for the five gratitudes? I'm grateful to my father for giving me the push I needed, all those years ago; it was exactly the right thing to say. I'm very grateful to Michelle's family for taking us in, and specifically for welcoming Liko and my father to Thanksgiving. I'm grateful that Shelly is alive and here with us, and spending Thanksgiving with friends who adore her, and for the fact that Liko can spend it with some of his childhood friends. I'm grateful to Adele for inviting me to her Thanksgiving. And (finally) I'm grateful to Michelle for encouraging me to go, even though I decided not to. Maybe next year?
I'm sharing this with a goofy picture of Michelle, my dad, and Liko at a Thanksgiving at Michelle's godparents house, because that seemed most appropriate.
Many divorced parents will know and understand this experience. I finally moved out of the home I shared with Shelly in late October 2015. Doing so scuttled our Thanksgiving plans. Since we have no family in the Bay Area and my social life was in disarray, this meant that Liko and I had nowhere to go on Thanksgiving--which was pretty much a crystallization of all my fears about busting up my family, as I thought of it then. (Here's how I think of it now: Liko, Shelly, and I are always going to be family.)
Michelle naturally invited me to spend it with her family, but I felt like it was far too soon to try to shove Liko into a new group of people for a holiday like Thanksgiving, given the upheaval in his life. However, when I discussed this dilemma with my father, he said something that turned out to be crucial: "If Michelle is your future, go toward her."
I took his advice and we spent Thanksgiving with Michelle's family. And you know what? It went great. Because Michelle has a great family. I don't actually remember very many details about the actual event; for me in this highly emotional period, it was all a blur. But I remember the only thing that mattered to me at the time, which is that Michelle's parents, sisters, aunt and uncle, and cousins welcomed Liko without hesitation into the family. That's been the case ever since. And later, they welcomed my dad to Thanksgiving as well.
It's now seven years later. I'm still Liko's dad, of course, and I'm still partnered with Michelle, but I'm also partnered with Adele. Shelly is in town and staying with us, and with my blessing she took Liko to spend Thanksgiving with the same friends she spent it with seven years ago. I'm spending it with Michelle's family as usual. But, for the first time, Adele invited me to spend it with her family in the Bay Area. When Michelle found out, she urged me to spend Thanksgiving with Adele and her people, but for various reasons I decided to stick to the original plan.
That was all pretty convoluted; my family situation might be more complicated than most people's. (Or is it?).
OK, ready for the five gratitudes? I'm grateful to my father for giving me the push I needed, all those years ago; it was exactly the right thing to say. I'm very grateful to Michelle's family for taking us in, and specifically for welcoming Liko and my father to Thanksgiving. I'm grateful that Shelly is alive and here with us, and spending Thanksgiving with friends who adore her, and for the fact that Liko can spend it with some of his childhood friends. I'm grateful to Adele for inviting me to her Thanksgiving. And (finally) I'm grateful to Michelle for encouraging me to go, even though I decided not to. Maybe next year?
I'm sharing this with a goofy picture of Michelle, my dad, and Liko at a Thanksgiving at Michelle's godparents house, because that seemed most appropriate.

- November 24, 2022
I don't feel well today but I am not required to do anything because my daughter is preparing the feast and all I have to do is decide whether or not to eat dinner with the family. I feel like we have all had different versions of the same illness and mine came back at 3am today. After staying at a distance for 3 weeks, I was in close contact with everyone yesterday, so if I have something new, they will have caught it from me.
I can rest and relax and hopefully feel better by dinner.

- November 24, 2022
My neice surprised me by sending me flowers for my birthday!!!
I felt loved and appreciated