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What are you grateful for?

-   December 11, 2022
A new positive presence in my life over the weekends who adds lightness, life and joy in her presence !! She is great with my kids and with mom and has the language and ability to connect with the household. Also willing to do more than what initially came in for. She helped my kids play Carrom and be with them teaching them and guiding them. She joined me for a movie with mom which was a refreshing Change. Also willing to come and stay when she gets her license and car .. exactly what I want . Win win no doubt .
So thankful for this presence in my life !
Helped stabilize family and reassure me in terms of providence .. allowed me to take a step back to handle other needful in my life ..
-   December 11, 2022
Jacqui invited me for dinner. It was a very nice dinner she cooked and we had really good conversation and watched a movie
I feel good about our relationship and Jacqui does a lot to keep us close despite everything I've done in the past. It makes me very happy
-   December 9, 2022
My work colleague organised for a vehicle so we could go in to town and the local market.
This enabled me to buy the type of food I need to eat, for the next couple of days.
Profile picture for user ERobbins
-   December 9, 2022
My father is the best! He knows i'm going to be missing work on Monday and Tuesday of next week because of my husband's surgery. He drove up (about a hour drive) and gave me $300 to help us get through the lack of work and gas money for traveling to the city that he's having the surgery. I didn't ask him to do this, he just knew it was going to be hard for us. I am so grateful!
Profile picture for user desmondbordelon
-   December 9, 2022
My mom is going to drive me and my friends somewhere today
I'm excited and she's giving me her time so I can hang out with my friends
-   December 8, 2022
I'm grateful to have a machine that makes me great coffee and thankful to be able to get nice coffee to drink
It starts my day with a good feeling
Profile picture for user ERobbins
-   December 8, 2022
Good Morning!
My mother volunteers at a food pantry and has signed me up for a monthly food package. She lives about an hour away and brings me this box of food and commodities every month. She is stopping by my office today to deliver the goods and we are very desperate for the items at the moment! I am grateful that the church is able to organize this service. I'm also grateful that my mother helps us out in this way, she takes a few hours out of her day to do this for us.
Fed me!
-   December 7, 2022
I am grateful and thankful for a kind and genorous Universe.
I had a safe, timely and smooth travel to my destination.
-   December 7, 2022
My work colleague deove me to the airport, helped me carry my luggage in to go for checkin and purchased my CUG sim card.
This made my checkin process quicker and less for me to carry. And so we had plenty of time to purchase my business sim, my phone credits and register my details for the sim.
-   December 7, 2022
Cheered me on when I accomplished some things I had been procrastinating about doing.
Made me feel supported and understood.
Profile picture for user ERobbins
-   December 7, 2022
Dylan had a really bad day yesterday. His blood work indicated that his phosphorous levels were the highest his clinic had ever seen. 12.0 Phos. His doctor yelled at him and said his numbers were making the clinic look bad, that he was surprised that he was even still alive with such numbers. He said that if his levels were not down he would kick him out of the clinic. So Dylan was shocked and upset, he felt like the world was against him and he had no allies. I did what i could to tell him that WE would get his numbers down, that WE would work together etc... He calmed down and felt very grateful that I am his partner. All night he was very complimentary to me. He took several moments to say how much I helped him and how lucky he was that I was in his life.
-   December 6, 2022
Listened to Untitled album with JD while making homework and some nostalgic 10s classics on the way home, a very fun shared experience
Profile picture for user ERobbins
-   December 6, 2022
This morning I am grateful for my health and my mind. I am not having a good morning, but I am able bodied and healthy. My mind is sharp and capable. Sometimes it's the things that seem so small and insignificant that make the biggest impact.
-   December 5, 2022
I helped them with their project as part of my job
Felt good, that I did a good job
-   December 5, 2022
I am so happy and grateful for my trip from Lae to POM, that though had a flight delay, yet everything turned out as it should.
The experience allowed me to stop and think why things were happening the way, they were and recognize thr good in it all...
1) I made some new acquiantances.
2) One of this new acquaintance helped me to carry my bag of fruits.
3) I had a safe flight.
4) Didn't have to wait in the boarding lounge, after receiving my boarding pass, I boarded the flight immediately.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Profile picture for user desmondbordelon
-   December 5, 2022
I got an apple pencil on friday
I can draw more easily and it's fun being able to play around with the pressure sensitivity
-   December 5, 2022
They allowed me to speak to them without lashing out as usual. They treated me how I deserved.
I know it is hard for them to be bothered by me so I appreciated them not freaking out when having conversations with me.
-   December 5, 2022
Ever so grateful to have met K who has added to my life in so many ways , always going beyond to offer love, support and care ! Offering companionship and sound advice whilst lending a good listening ear ! She made a hair care appointment for me with her hairstylist when I had casually mentioned I need a makeover; she sent me her dress when I had just mentioned how beautiful one of her dresses was and I was looking for one. Such generosity of spirit !
Made me feel I was provided for even in times when I was facing significant rejection from partner/ in-laws. Helped me to gain a sense of safety and belonging and that I am worthy of love.
-   December 5, 2022
Been sending an acquaintance messages of hope and strength as they grapple through stressful times! Just so they know I am thinking of them and they are not alone. They have been receiving these with great graciousness. Makes me want to keep doing this.
Infact it made me feel less lonely and more connected. Grateful to be able to do this.
-   December 5, 2022
A space to call my own / to tap into to relax, recover and heal whilst strengthening my core self - emotionally, professionally and spiritually!
Allows me to breathe
Allows me to be in a non judgemental space
Allows me to be
Allows me to create
Allows me to read , do self care, connect with myself and meaningful people.
The healing space !
Profile picture for user ERobbins
-   December 5, 2022
My father, and his wife came up to my home yesterday and delivered a truck and trailer full of furniture from my grandparents estate. It took them a lot of effort and time to get it packaged up, and drive to my home, and then effort to unload it at my home. I am so grateful that this new furniture is here and it makes my home more efficient and nicer looking. I'm grateful that someone loved me enough to go so far out of their way to help me. I'm grateful that my grandparents loved me enough to leave items in their will to me. I'm grateful that i have a warm, dry home to even bring new furniture into.
my home looks nicer and is more comfortable.
-   December 4, 2022
Corey for the tacos and ice cream and walk and snuggles

Kaleigh for wanting to go to the ballet iwith me

My friends for reaching out
Small happies

Loves and support
-   December 3, 2022
She taught me how to let go of any negativity.
When I feel any negative feelings I let go and I feel better and more in control of my thoughts.
-   December 3, 2022
She bought freah fruits and veggies for me, and visited me.
It made me feel cared for and happy. I didn't have to go to the market.
-   December 2, 2022
I felt the cool air, saw the muted sky at sunset, the 3 dimensional clouds and the rainbow lifeguard tower against the backdrop of dark sea
It humbled and awed me