What are you grateful for?
Public Thnx4 Journal
- November 10, 2022
Cpe first quarter completed 🙌🏾🙌🏾
I can rest up for a bit
- November 10, 2022
I saw my 18-year-old son vote for the first time this past Tuesday. He did the research on his own, came to his own conclusions, and voted. He didn't consider not-voting to be an option.
I'm grateful that he can vote and I'm weirdly grateful *to him* for taking advantage of the opportunity to participate.
I'm grateful that he can vote and I'm weirdly grateful *to him* for taking advantage of the opportunity to participate.
It makes me feel like I did something right in raising my son.
- November 10, 2022
A lady here on this site posts in Spanish so I used Google Translate to read what she shared.
I made my day to read someone else's joyful share.
- November 10, 2022
I have not slept for 2-3 hours per nigh for at least 3 years but I'm doing what I need to and not screwing around not doing what I should beginning today.
It give me hope that I will finally begin to function as I want and need to!
- November 10, 2022
All of them: They protect my health even when others in our circle tell them that this is silly, paranoid overkill.
Except for 6 weeks at this time last year, I have remained healthy and covid-free. During those sick 6 weeks, I had annoying but unthreatening symptoms in 3 separate infections, with brief periods of recovery in between.
- November 10, 2022
All of them: They protect my health even when others in our circle tell them that this is silly, paranoid overkill.
Except for 6 weeks at this time last year, I have remained healthy and covid-free. During those sick 6 weeks, I had annoying but unthreatening symptoms in 3 separate infections, with brief periods of recovery in between.
- November 10, 2022
All of them: They protect my health even when others in our circle tell them that this is silly, paranoid overkill.
Except for 6 weeks at this time last year, I have remained healthy and covid-free. During those sick 6 weeks, I had annoying but unthreatening symptoms in 3 separate infections, with brief periods of recovery in between.
- November 10, 2022
All of them: They protect my health even when others in our circle tell them that this is silly, paranoid overkill.
Except for 6 weeks at this time last year, I have remained healthy and covid-free. During those sick 6 weeks, I had annoying but unthreatening symptoms in 3 separate infections, with brief periods of recovery in between.
- November 9, 2022
A few days ago my mom drove me and my friend to the mall.
I appreciate it when she takes the time out of her day just so I can hang out with my friend. I had fun
- November 8, 2022
Half of the people that I contacted in my get-out-the-vote campaign were nice, and some of them thanked me and my team for our work. Their warm thanks really kept me going and made up for the negative responses. And the vast majority of the negative ones were not rude.
Encouraged me to keep going on a challenging task.
- November 8, 2022
Strong legs, another morning walk, rain that (mostly) held off until I got home
- November 8, 2022
I stepped in to help complete a project so it could be finished by the deadline.
It felt nice to have my efforts appreciated, especially since the task was not in my comfort zone.
- November 8, 2022
My aunt invited us over to her house for an afternoon catch up.
Being around her and her daughter filled me with joy, and gave me a much needed excuse to venture out of my suburb for a bit.
- November 7, 2022
Randomly ran into a former student (class of 2020). We both were happy and excited to see each other. I realized how much we matter to each other and to students during these pivotal times in their lives.
Felt good remembering that what I/we do matters.
- November 7, 2022
I am grateful for the opportunity to help students and alumni to put together interships and job search strategies so they can meet the needs of the community and industry.
It makes me feel that I am fulfilling my purpopse serving the SCU students and alumni.
- November 7, 2022
My friends give me advice on my art and make me feel good about what I draw.
It gives me more confidence in my work and helps me improve
- November 7, 2022
As a MRI technician, I performed a woman's breast scanning. Before she entered the MR room she looked uncomfortable and annoyed by something. But right after the examination, She expressed gratitude to me, saying thank you. It was unexpected to me that she would gave me a warmhearted word.
I feel grateful vice versa.
- November 6, 2022
Sunday funday
- November 6, 2022
She brought in my groceries and fussed a little about my shopping trip during a likely resurgence of Omicron. And she sent me a very helpful article.
My daughter often makes me feel loved and cherished.
- November 6, 2022
I received a text this morning from a friend I've known for over 50 years whom I love dearly and suspect is genuine soulmate.
Valued and loved beyond belief!
- November 5, 2022
He came to Busan to meet me after his business trip. It made me grateful for him.
I missed him for a long time. Meeting him gave me a sense of relief and happiness. It made my whole day glorious :)
- November 5, 2022
They took me with my with them and my 3 year old grandson to brunch and a halloween party.
It made me feel valuable!
- November 5, 2022
My sister and I had so much fun together. We share the “hard” stuff.
I was able to share my grief and be comforted.
- November 4, 2022
So many things to be thankful for these days. The beautiful weather, being happy in my continued employment, a very loving spouse... My birthday this weekend gives me pause to be so grateful for being so blessed in my life. A gift of complimentary tickets to a musical performance that I really wanted to go to, but the tickets were a bit out of my budget. A delightful call with my sister, with whom I've had a difficult relationship--she was excited that I invited her to visit at Christmas. In my 66 years on the planet, this will be the first time she visits me on a holiday. AND (drum roll, please), a frustrating construction project at my home that has been going on for 2 years is coming to a close. I'm so excited not only to not have to live in the dust, but to have full use of my whole home with the additional spaces. Wow. Bounty. that's the only word for it.
Luz Alba
- November 4, 2022
Gracias por tanto amor, por cuidarme y preocuarse por mi!!
Me hace sentir especial, querida y sobre todo me impulsa a estar saludable.