What are you grateful for?
Public Thnx4 Journal
- October 4, 2023
Coach senior level of sport
Gives me personal growth and job satisfaction
- October 4, 2023
Joined me at an event
Helped recruit someone to a position
- October 4, 2023
Being informed and educated on an issue
- October 4, 2023
Beening with family
made me want to help them out with the stuff they have to do
- October 3, 2023
Consistently showing up on time, friendly and helpful and professional.
Makes my job easier. She's got my back and keep me in line.
- October 3, 2023
Swimming every day this week (good distances too)
- October 3, 2023
Came together for a photo
Made me feel like a close family unit
- October 3, 2023
She did something to fix a problem I created.
She used her expertise at a busy time to solve a problem that I created.
- October 2, 2023
To spend less money on a surgery procedure.
Save money
- October 2, 2023
An opportunity to apply to day shift at the hospital I’m hoping to work at.
🤞🏽in many ways
- October 1, 2023
Maintaining our home
Made me look back and appreciate our space where we live and raise our family
- October 1, 2023
Came home
Made me feel like a close family
- October 1, 2023
Coached them in sport
- October 1, 2023
Sunday coffee shop time and clearing my mind
reminded me how blessed i am and that i am in charge of my destiny
- September 30, 2023
to be able to do my exercise routine
Stay in shape
- September 30, 2023
Drove up after a long day of work to visit for the weekend.
Helps in celebrating husbands Birthday.
- September 30, 2023
Included her in events
Good and that I should try to do stuff like that again
- September 29, 2023
I once was a fairly prolific thnx4 contributor … it was part of my regular weekly practice I called “Mental Health Friday” where I reflected on life and reviewed my own personal gratitude journals from years past.
I’ve said it here before, and I’ll say it again, that all you dear souls that share your moments of gratitude here have helped me so much! I’ve learned that one of the tenants of self-compassion is the realization and understanding that “other people feel this way.” It is so true, and although we all certainly have different life arcs, we all share in the 10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows of being human. Nothing causes this to be so true to me than the thnx4 community.
For those who post here, know that I am here cheering your victories and empathically sharing in your inevitable life challenges. I love you.
I’ve said it here before, and I’ll say it again, that all you dear souls that share your moments of gratitude here have helped me so much! I’ve learned that one of the tenants of self-compassion is the realization and understanding that “other people feel this way.” It is so true, and although we all certainly have different life arcs, we all share in the 10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows of being human. Nothing causes this to be so true to me than the thnx4 community.
For those who post here, know that I am here cheering your victories and empathically sharing in your inevitable life challenges. I love you.
- September 29, 2023
My quondam boss called me, out of the blue, today. We had a fun, extended chat, and it was great to hear that at his age (86) he is still active and enjoying many life activities.
In my new rural hometown, I’m starved for personal connections. This one was nice. Also, our friendship is now so much different and more positive than the employer/employee one we had for 28 years before we both retired. It is wonderful to feel love for another human soul.
- September 29, 2023
Grateful for a moment of satisfaction this morning when applying something I’d recently learned to the reading skills I want to improve. Moreover, I recognized that I was having a positive experience and took time to “take it in” using the HEAL technique I’d learned many years ago from the book “Hardwiring Happiness.” I’d recently been bemoaning that I hadn’t been cognizant of many positive experiences, no matter how small or fleeting, lately, so this was most welcome.
This most definitely lifted my mood somewhat.
- September 27, 2023
Finally, a sense of comradeship
Faith has found friends
Walker helped someone else today
Doug went to the doc and was jovial with Walker
Faith has found friends
Walker helped someone else today
Doug went to the doc and was jovial with Walker
Peace of heart
- September 27, 2023
Im grateful for my job.
It provides me a lifestyle
- September 23, 2023
The “old guys” at the marina where my son works have completely adopted him. They all banter, tease, cajole and function as a loving cranky bunch. Today they all worked on rescuing Walker from his non-functioning, side of the road car breakdown and taught him how to make the repairs. Old guys!
My son has an extra set of friends who have turned into his family. What’s even better is that these gentlemen chose our boy independent of anyone else’s influence.
Mary Jo
- September 23, 2023
Sometimes nothing beats a great cup of coffee on a rainy day.
Made me feel cozy.
- September 22, 2023
Doug, you are always my light. When I need guidance, direction, a swift kick in the buns, to be held, you are always the one I want. Your notes, listening, tidying light up my days 💓
Peace, fulfillment