What are you grateful for?
Public Thnx4 Journal

- October 24, 2023
My daughter could tell I was feeling down and she gave me a hug.
It made me feel better about the world.
- October 24, 2023
Today while working out I realized how fortunate I am to have good health and to live in a first-world country.
I felt grateful and blessed
- October 23, 2023
We had a nice weekend.
Less stress this weekend

- October 23, 2023
One of my friends invited me out to a trivia night in the city.
I had a wonderful, hilarious night out, and she made me feel more confident in the friendship I had with her.

- October 22, 2023
I couldn't go out and when she got back she said she missed me. That she kept looking at things wondering whether I would like an item she saw while shopping.
It's nice to know that someone is missing me, caring about me, and thinking of me when I'm not around.
- October 22, 2023
We had COVID, but now are over it. Phew. No fun.
Feeling pretty normal now; getting household back to some basic level of normalcy.

- October 20, 2023
I got some time alone in the house, to do whatever I liked. Lounge, stretch, cook, etc. Nice and quiet house with calm weather outside.
I got to be around the house without any anxiety of starting a conversation.
- October 20, 2023
SUN is in spb beautiful autumn day
feel better with the sun
- October 19, 2023
Went to the dentist. Appreciate how lucky I am to be able to live in a system where health care is accessible.
Looked after my teeth
- October 19, 2023
Make an effort to catch up with me.
Made me feel valued
- October 19, 2023
They were very captivating and helpful over a zoom call.
They really made my day, by offering advice, and listening to my blathering about my interests.
- October 17, 2023
War in Gaza strip
Appreciated the peaceful country we live in.
- October 15, 2023
Started to sort out my health
Made me feel healthier and more energetic
- October 15, 2023
Listened and understood my perspective
Gave me some hope
- October 15, 2023
Coached them in sport
Appreciated and respected
- October 13, 2023
Offered her expertise and experience with similar health issues.
Puts things in perspective and become realistically hopeful.
- October 11, 2023
Giving up their time to listen to me
I felt like their is hope
- October 11, 2023
Has been waiting hand and foot on me after surgery.
Less work and pain for me moving around.
- October 9, 2023
The israel/palestinian war kicking off
Makes me realise how lucky we are to live in a peaceful country. It makes our problems seem insignificant
- October 9, 2023
brought me, stayed with me and brought me home from surgery
Supported me throughout the event. Couldn't have done it without help.
- October 8, 2023
Showed up to a potluck dinner/get together and hung out visited with the group.
Honored that she felt she got something out of that visit, which she actually pulled together. Good that I could contribute.

- October 7, 2023
Grateful for having encountered Kamal Ravikant’s book, “Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It.” I’ve often been surprised in life how one thing leads to another … and yet I still am very skeptical that there is any particular magic behind it.
Jury’s still out on whether the instruction in this book will lead to any particular benefits, but I am grateful to have experienced a few moments of happier disposition and a bit of relief from chronic discomforts today, so I’m motivated to give it my best shot.
Jury’s still out on whether the instruction in this book will lead to any particular benefits, but I am grateful to have experienced a few moments of happier disposition and a bit of relief from chronic discomforts today, so I’m motivated to give it my best shot.
Thank you, Kamal, for honestly sharing the profound suffering from your life and the ways you found to overcome them.

- October 7, 2023
Thank you Nadya for the invitation to be a guest speaker at the October's Reinvention LAB.
As a guest speaker, it made me have more focus on the message of each guest speaker and absorb what each one had to share with us. It was inspiring and uplifting. Also, because I got kind feedback and nice thank you messages on LinkedIn from many of the participants.

- October 7, 2023
I made her shine as a speaker at a company event.
I felt I was an important person for her, happy, and recognized for my work.

- October 6, 2023
Checker at CVS helped with getting into the correct account to get my measly discount!
Got me the discount and restored my faith in humans being helpful